Posts Tagged ‘program’

The Bourne Legacy

November 30, 2012

It began so well. I thought it would a great flick, but oh boy, was I wrong. Matt Damon did the right thing to jump this ship.

Drama, talk and drama and only a few cool agent stuff and no gadgets and just some awesome Bourne fighting moves and that’s it. Edward Norton is completely anonymous in this movie and it’s just a lot of nonsense and running around for no reason. Even the “cool car chase” moments, which were on a bike this time, weren’t cool.

I didn’t enjoy this movie at all. It’s the worst Bourne flick in the series and it also happens to be the first bad one. Real bad. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. In fact, I am going to stop talking about it now because it’s not worthy of more time than it already stole from me.

Rating: 2 out of 5

I give up, this movie sucks.

I give up, this movie sucks.