Posts Tagged ‘Tech’

Samsung SmartWatch

September 5, 2013

I am not that impressed. The design feels cheap and the interface empty and dull. Let’s hope Apple bring their world class design team and beat Samsung.

Canon Camera

August 10, 2013

Canon has come out with a neat new camera that shoots in 1080p and fits almost anywhere. The Vixia Mini.

What are your thoughts on this cute camera? Will you buy it? Or do you think smartphones 1080p cameras are enough?

Mac Pro 2013

August 4, 2013

It’d be hard for me to envision myself using a Mac as a desktop computer, it really would. However, the new Mac Pro is gorgeous and insanely powerful with some very nice innovations. However, as a gamer first and foremost, it’d be illogical to buy it just yet, even though Mac is gaining gaming support, it’s still decades away from the PC.

One of the most beautiful desktop computers out there. Will you buy one?


May 9, 2013

Without a doubt my most wanted thing right now are the highly promising Google Glass. I mean, have you seen the video for them? How wicked are they? I am willing to pay up to $999 for them once they are released if they deliver on all the awesomeness that they show in the video.

Technology sure is beautiful and I am eagerly awaiting the next big leap within it. Could it be Google Glass, or something even more legendary?

First picture of the Galaxy SIV?

March 11, 2013

Here’s a picture of what is claimed to be the first leaked of the Galaxy SIV smartphone from Samsung.

This phone is officially slated to be revealed in only three days, so it’s only natural that rumors are coming like crazy now.

It looks very simple and elegant in my eyes, but once again, it’s RUMORS.

iWatch this year?

March 4, 2013

It is heavily rumored that Apple will be launching a product called iWatch this year.

What’s iWatch? Well Timmy, I am glad you asked. It’s something called a smartwatch. Some of the features are said to be:

  • Running fully on iOS just like the iPhone and iPad.
  • Ability to make calls.
  • Connectivity with your iPhone/iPad.
  • Check map cordinates.
  • Heart rate monitor, pedometer, etc etc and likely a heavy focus on “health” such as jogging, powerwalking etc.

What are your thoughts on potentially having an iWatch? Will you buy it? I myself am not that convinced but it might be a cool thing to have if you jog. And since spring is coming up I usually tend to start jogging and it’d be nice to get a pedometer, heart rate monitor and whatnot all-in-one synched to my iOS life.

Mock-up of what a possible iWatch might look like. Not bad.

What Galaxy S4 Must Have

February 28, 2013

I’ve been a loyal iPhone user since I got my first one. Already with their first 2G model I considered them to be years ahead of competition and had the most epic phone. But times change, and I’m not blind.

It’s no secret that Apple’s main rivals Samsung are catching up. Some would say surpassing already in certain areas. And that saddens me. Why are Apple slacking off?

Either way this leaves an opening. I’m very interested in what Samsung’s next killer phone will have and I have an open mind regarding switching from my iPhone. But there are certain requirements for it to happen.

  • Indestructible screen like the rumors say. Waterproof like the Sony Xperia does would be sweet as well.
  • An equivalent iMessage app built in with free text messaging and MMS. An improved one would be even better.
  • Quality case, all android phones right now feel like plastic toys compared to the iPhone. I don’t like it.
  • Something that wow:s me.

And that’s pretty much it. I didn’t include the obvious things such as 4G, NFC, and forth on as the S3 already had that. Also faster, longer battery etc. but that’s given. So it won’t be be an easy task to lure me over from Apple as only iMessage by itself is an insanely strong seller. And add to that the quality feel of the phone and the beautiful app designs.

The blue Galaxy S3 was very beautiful. I hope they keep that color for the S4, but make it less plastic and more quality-like.

Tech rumors galore

January 22, 2013

I love rumors, as you probably noticed. Let’s start dissecting some juicy rumors all kinds of gadgets.

First up is the iPhone 5S rumors. Yes, Apple will go the lazy and easy route to make cash with a only slightly upgraded iPhone 5S that will have better camera and horsepowers and not much more. If this is the case, I will not buy it for another year. You might remember me skipping on the iPhone 5 due to reasons such as no NFC, wireless charging, 4G (in my country) and more essential features being absent. Well, considering what the Android phones are coming out with, Apple has to step up in my books to keep getting my money. They are no longer guaranteed it. The new Sony Xperia phone seems very promising and hot. And the rumors for the new Samsung Galaxy S4 phone are out of this world. Like I mentioned before, amongst them is 441ppi and unbreakable screen. Sup with that Apple?

Next up are the console rumors. More specifically, that PS4 will be more powerful than the new Xbox. Of course, these rumors lack credibility of any kind and the consoles won’t come out until late 2013 (December, probably) and it only takes a few days for the changes to happen. I am yet undecided on which console I will buy. To me the Xbox 360 was a clear winner in every sense and I will expect only awesomeness from my upcoming choice in a lot of areas. I don’t even know what the deciding factor will be for me when I make the ultimate and long-lasting choice between the “new Xbox” and “PS4”.

The new gorgeous Xperia Z. Built to compete with iPhone 5.



January 11, 2013

I just wanted to take a moment and thank technology for making life so much better. I mean, I couldn’t imagine life without my iPhone and how much it has helped me in life. Whether or not it is to find locations I had never seen in Vegas, or just to check my e-mail for something important or even sending in assignments while in middle of nowhere for class. Technology is truly wonderful.

I can’t wait to see how my phone, TV and computer look like in ten years. Will we get flying hover boards any time soon?

Concept phone from Nokia. Solar powered, bendable, waterproof, wireless, simply put: godlike. I want it.

What I want from the next iPhone

December 19, 2012

I didn’t get the iPhone 5 because it missed out on several of my essential requirements. Now, I am forced to wait for the next model. So what are the things I want it to have in order to pick it up?

  • 4G support in my country. As of right now, the 5 still doesn’t have it. Unacceptable.
  • 10-hour battery via constant 4G usage and even longer through WiFi. Come on, we have smartphones but no decent batteries? Feels counterintuitive.
  • NFC payment capabilities and storage system. Passbook is decent in the U.S. perhaps, but everywhere else it sucks and has no support. Bring us NFC.
  • New camera that stabilizes much faster in terms of focus and better nighttime quality.
  • Stronger screen protection against scratches and marks.
  • Wireless charging in some variation would be nice.

That’s pretty much it in terms of hardware improvements. For the iOS 7 I’d like to see:

  • Calender in lock screen constantly displayed. (Jailbreakers did this several years ago, why can’t Apple make it? It’s insanely useful.)
  • Instagram integration sharing.
  • Significantly improved Siri + her AI, especially in my country. I want her to be able to provide facts and answers more so than just googling them.
  • Fix Apple Maps issues/problems faster.

Other than that I consider iOS to be vastly superior to any competitor and doesn’t need that much changing really.

Samsung claim that their next S4 phone will have an unbreakable screen. If that’s true, I’d expect nothing less from the next iPhone.